Surviving the Great Deluge of Images
Castles in the night
Castillo de Medinaceli (soria, Spain). It could be any castle perched on the night waiting for some unlikely enemy. I've always loved its imposing simplicity. Allegedlyأبو عامر محمد بن أبي عامر ابن عبد الله المعافري (Abu ʿAmir Muhammad ben Abi ʿAmir al-Maʿafirí or "Almanzor" in Spanish) died here. Once Almanzar was over, the Cordoba's Califate went down pretty fast and the northern kingdoms (mostly Christians, with Muslim affiliates) advanced South quickly. Alex Jurado, Spanish Rowing Championship (Gold M1x 15-17 yrs)
It's been great to be able to resume race shooting after the (hopefully almost-over) pandemic. Sadly, shooting at this low angle is getting harder and harder because of my low-black condition. Terrific Alex Jurado in this Spanish Rowing Championship (gold M1x 15-17 yrs)
Esther's graduation at Stanford, Commencement 2022
My daughter graduated from Stanford last Sunday adding a major in Management Science and Enginering to her five golds in World Rowing Championships (among other athletic achievements in rowing). Next stop: Olympics, Paris '24. It's worth mentioning that the year she applied there was above 47.000 applicants to Stanford. Only 1700 where admitted. Annual fees, tuition plus allowances, are around 100.000 USD/year at Stanford. Esther enjoyed a full scholarship thanks to having reached the top 5% in the USA academic rankings (SAT, ACT), besides her outstanding athletic achievements, let alone having successfully undergone all Stanford's demanding selective procedures. Should anyone ask me... yep, I'll say that we are pretty proud of our daughter although being the parents of this type of critters isn't as easy as it could seem LOL. Thanks to all of you my friends who have been following her achivements over the past few years, showing your support. I owed you this pict. ------- Mi hija se ha graduado en Stanford el domingo pasado, añadiendo un grado en Management Science and Engineering (aprox. Ingeniería de Organización Industrial - Investigación Operativa - gestión de métodos, tiempos y decisiones) a sus cinco oros en campeonatos del mundo de remo, entre otros logros importantes en remo. Conviene señalar que el año en el que Esther realizó su solicitud, hubo unos 47000 solicitantes para entrar en Stanford, de los cuales fueron admitidos finalmente 1700. El coste anual de estudiar en Stanford (matrícula, gastos de manutención) se sitúa en torno a los 100.000 USD anuales. Esther disfrutó de una beca completa gracias a haberse situado en el 5% superior del ranking americano basado en los exámenes de entrada, además de aportar sus méritos deportivos, y de haber superado todas las fases del estricto procedimiento de admisión en Stanford. Siguiente parada: París 24. Si alguien me pregunta... pues sí, estamos bastante orgullosos de de nuestra hija, aunque ser los padres de este tipo de bichos no es tan fácil como podría parecer LOL. Gracias a todos los amigos que habéis ido siguiendo sus logros en los últimos años y habéis mostrado vuestro apoyo. Os debía esta foto.